Annual River Cruise July TBD
Each year in July, RYC holds an annual river cruise up the Saint John River. This week-long, fun-filled event welcomes all members of both power and sail. The cruise directors organize many fun activities such as music, bonfires, games for the kids, an auction and water sports activities. The itinerary is a flexible guide to daily adventures. Each morning, cruisers host a morning call with skippers either from their boat or on channel 72 to discuss weather conditions and destinations of the day.
Popular river cruise destinations include Carters Point, Big Cove, Lawson's Passage, Grand Lake, and Jenkins Cove.

RYC Social Events
Although RYC is first and foremost a boating club, we plan several opportunities for members to get together both off-season and in-season.
The many events are open only to members and guests.
You will find these and other activities listed on our events page. Details of major events appear in our fixture card and in specific invitations sent to all members via email. You can register for an event directly from the invitation.

2025 Dates Coming soon!
May 4 Membership Day
May 18-19 Launch Day
May 25 Yard Clean-up
June 8 Taco Night
June 20 Dock Party
June 27 Deck Party (Postponed)
July 13 River Cruise
July 25 Lobster boil
Aug 10,11 LTS Regatta
Aug 14 Deck social
Aug 21 Deck social
Sept 8 Commodore's Corn boil
Nov 30 End of Year Party
Club racing is every Wednesday at 6:30. Skipper meeting is at 6:00 pm.
* No race on July 17

Club Moorings
Socializing on the water
Do you enjoy the peace of mind of picking up a mooring ball while cruising the river system? If so, RYC has several club-owned, member-shared moorings to be enjoyed while cruising our rivers?
We have moorings located at the following locations:
SCOUTS BEACH #1 - 45°24'56.2"N 66°01'37.1"W
SCOUTS BEACH #2 - 45°24'57.4"N 66°01'38.2"W
CATHLINES COVE - 45°21'56.9"N 66°03'06.2"W
WHELPLEY'S COVE - 45°28'42.8"N 66°07'15.3"W
JENKINS COVE - 45°35'39.3"N 65°57'33.1"W
BARLOWS - 45°21'15.6"N 66°04'36.2"W
FORRESTERS COVE - 45°27'36.5"N 65°57'12.5"W
All mooring balls are labelled. If you do pick up a club mooring please be sure to drop your fenders and permit other members who may want to raft alongside. This is also a great way to get to know the members of your club.