Learn to Sail Program Day-by-Day
We want our RYC sailors to have an exceptional summer on the water. As such, we have a few operational, safety and conduct guidelines outline below.
Drop-off and Pick-up
The RYC Learn to Sail program starts every day with drop off between 8:45 and 9:00 a.m. Rigging will usually start right away! Pick-up is at 4:00 p.m. Supervision will not be provided before or after these hours of operation. If your sailor will not be attending due to appointments, illness, etc., please let an instructor know as soon as possible, the morning of, or a day ahead.
What to Bring
Sailors are to bring the items listed below every day. Please note that flip flops are not acceptable footwear; all sailors must have closed-toe shoes or sailing booties/shoes. If the sailor does not have proper clothing or equipment, including shoes, the instructor may decide that they should not go out on the water that day.
No fancy or expensive gear is needed! A lifejacket, bathing suit, hat and sunscreen is the best starting point. A useful strategy for clothing is layering: the temperature can be very different on land versus on the water and may change during the day. Quick-dry fabrics and a wind-proof layer on the upper body are recommended. Clothes will get wet and the seats of pants and shorts have a good chance of getting torn or ripped. Always please pack a spare set of clothes.
Canadian Coast Guard approved lifejacket or PFD
Closed-toed shoes (no sandals or flip flops) - this will re-enforced!
Any medications and instructions for use (Medication Administration Permission Form)
A full change of weather-appropriate clothes (and warm clothing options like sweatshirts, fleece, etc.)
Spray top/rain jacket / foul weather gear, as needed
Water bottle
Sunscreen (SPF 30+)
Bathing Suit
Sunglasses with a floatable headband attached
We strongly recommend that every item you send with your sailor be clearly and prominently labelled with your family name; items will inevitably get misplaced during the course of the day. If your sailor is taking mediation we need to administer, please ensure that the Learn to Sail Director and/or Head Instructor are notified. Parents are required to complete a Medication Administration Permission Form.
Please ensure your sailor brings a healthy lunch, a few snacks and lots of water in a reusable water bottle, please. As our calendar of events indicates, Tuesdays are BBQ days and Thursdays are pizza day. When registering, please indicate if you’ll be purchasing these meals for your sailor. Costs are yet to be determined but will be available at the time of registration.
Electronics Policy
We have a “no electronics” policy and we expect our instructors to lead by example.
This policy is in place for several reasons. First, devices are distracting! The RYC Learn to Sail program strives to encourage sailors to live a fun and active lifestyle. Mobile phones, iPads and iPhones are a distraction during lessons and negatively impact the sailing experience. Second, the building is not secure during the day, and as such, we cannot guarantee the safety of the devices. Finally, sailing is wet! Sailors have the tendency to bring half the river with them when they return to shore and such an environment is not ideal for expensive electronic devices.
We have a phone in the spar shed that sailors can use in the event that they need to call their parents or guardians. If you would like your child to have a cell phone during the day, that is of course fine. We simply ask that it is kept in their bag during sailing hours. The program takes no responsibility for any loss or damage of the device. Instructors have permission to put away any devices until the end of day that are out during the hours of 9:00 to 4:00 p.m.