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Our Clubhouse & Member Services

The Rothesay Yacht Club, on the beautiful Kennebecasis River is your personal summer resort and vacation get-away, without the need or hassle of a cottage. The Clubhouse offers a number of member services including rental, refreshments and endless summer sunsets. The enhanced breakwater and docks provide safe, stable and protected access to boats. Club volunteers assist boaters and are often available to help with minor repairs and advice. Please check the RYC Service Rates, for a listing of club services and fees.


Special events are available to members including dinners, dances, fun races, sailing regattas and the annual summer cruise, just to mention a few. Events occur all year and create pride of ownership within the membership. Please check the events page and e-mails for details on upcoming events.


Dock System

We have the capacity for 120 slips at our floating docks for our members. Powerboats and sailboats of up to 55 feet. Berths are arranged as either a stern-to or side on berth with some capacity for finger docks. 

There are moorings in our inner and outer harbour available for rental to members for the season or by the day for visiting boaters.

Our Wharf and Breakwater

Our breakwater was commissioned in 2006 to provide both security and protection from the wind and waves. This expanded breakwater allowed for expanding our dock systems and growing the membership to the nearly 150 family memberships we have today.
Our dock sections are situated just east of a breakwater with a convenient launching ramp and numerous moorings. The club is a relatively small volunteer-run club with an atmosphere that is very friendly and helpful. The emphasis is on having fun in a safe boating environment, whether sailing, powerboating, racing, or sail training.
The club offers a variety of facilities with space for storing and short-term repairing of boats and masts. There are free pump-out facilities, and fresh water is available for any visiting boater.

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